Hi. Thanks for the comment.
I made an assumption there that was not quite correct. I was assuming the Function was being executed by a Function Execution Processor thread, and thats not always the case.
I should have implemented that code something like this so the property is reset to what it was before the execution:
public void execute(FunctionContext context) {
InternalDistributedSystem ids = (InternalDistributedSystem) context.getCache().getDistributedSystem();
boolean threadsSocketPolicyBeforeExecution = !ids.threadOwnsResources();
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ": ThreadsSocketPolicyBeforeExecution=" + threadsSocketPolicyBeforeExecution);
try {
// Process request
} finally {
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ": ThreadsSocketPolicyAfterExecution=" + !ids.threadOwnsResources());
If the boolean passed into DistributedSystem.setThreadsSocketPolicy is true, then threadOwnsResources() returns false and vice versa.
If I run that Function, I see this behavior:
For ServerConnection threads:
ServerConnection on port 52399 Thread 1: ThreadsSocketPolicyBeforeExecution=false
ServerConnection on port 52399 Thread 1: ThreadsSocketPolicyAfterExecution=false
For Function Execution threads:
Function Execution Processor2: ThreadsSocketPolicyBeforeExecution=true
Function Execution Processor2: ThreadsSocketPolicyAfterExecution=true
Thanks for catching this.